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Stories from the Rolodex:
Important Figures of Journalism in Their Own Words
Featuring essays on several local voices
from the golden age of journalism.
This is a fascinating look at major news events and how they were covered before cell phones and the internet.
George Regan, Regan Communications, Boston, is the first chapter. He is chairman and CEO of the 6th largest PR firms in
the country. -
John Harrigan is a beloved New Hampshire writer known for his Water, Woods and Wildlife column.
Joe McQuaid was publisher of the Union Leader for years, giving distinct ways of looking at life in New Hampshire.
John Milne was a leader of New Hampshire media and worked politics for nearly
half a century.

Beverly Stoddart - photo by Charlie Howard
Order your copy today of Stories from the Rolodex.
Video clip of Stories from the Rolodex
Where to find Stories from the Rolodex and other works by Beverly
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