Beverly Stoddart Photo
About Beverly

Beverly Stoddart is a writer, author, and speaker. After 42 years of working for newspapers, she left to write books. ​Her newspaper career includes a decade in Florida at the Fort Myers News-Press, from there, she spent eleven years at the Boston Herald coming in at the time Rupert Murdoch purchased the number two newspaper in a two newspaper town. “We battled the Boston Globe when Murdoch was putting bathing beauties on page 3.” A buy-out of union membership allowed her to cut a long commute to minutes and a shift to another decade at the Nashua Telegraph. Her last daily newspaper was working for fourteen years at the Manchester Union Leader.
Since 2019, she has worked at the nonprofit, nonpartisan site, InDepthNH.org, where she writes arts and entertainment articles, interviews authors and serves on the Board of Directors. She serves on the Board of Trustees of the New Hampshire Writers’ Project and is the author of Stories from the Rolodex, mini-memoirs of journalists from the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. Her new psychological thriller, The Woman with a Hole in Her Heart, with co-author Dr. David Brower, will be published in 2025. Stoddart was awarded first place in the 2023 NH Press Association Arts and Entertainment category.
2023 NH Press Association First Place Winner - Arts & Entertainment
2020 Toastmaster of the Year - Winning Speakers Toastmasters Club