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Photo by Beverly Stoddart

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Photo by Beverly Stoddart

Excerpt from Stories from the Rolodex

Before there were computers, the internet, cell phones, and social media, we had to do things the old fashioned way. We had to use typewriters with carbon paper if we wanted copies. We had to use a phone book or the yellow pages if we wanted to look up a phone number and then dial the phone. We had to write things down. And, if we wanted to keep track of our contacts, we used a Rolodex. Every office of United Press International had, at one time, a Rolodex full of the contacts that a busy wire service would need to reach a connection, a source.


The true stories in Stories from the Rolodex will take the reader into the world of the working journalist at a time when they used rotary dial phones, looked up phone numbers in telephone books and kept their contacts in a metal Rolodex that sat in an office where everyone could access names, home phone numbers, home addresses, and clues about habits in order to get the story. The Boston Bureau's Rolodex is the junction for the stories in Stories from the Rolodex. The journalists and their words reveal the history and provide anecdotes to major events that took place in the world.

Stories from the Rolodex


Stories from the Rolodex: Important Figures of Journalism in Their Own Words. Featuring essays on several local voices from the golden age of journalism (George Regan, Regan Communications, Boston, is the first chapter and he is chairman and CEO of the 6th largest PR firms in the country. John Harrigan is a beloved NH writer known for his Water, Woods and Wildlife column. Joe McQuaid was publisher of the Union Leader for years. Both men give distinct ways of looking at life in NH. John Milne was a leader of NH media and worked politics for nearly half a century.), this book focuses on many news men and women holding up the fourth estate that never made the headlines.

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The Secret Life of Leaves

Children's Fiction

Did you know that leaves have a secret life? They do. In the autumn, their colors return and they gain their freedom. Follow the journey of the leaves.

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Snidely Eyelash and the Dogs of the Gym

Children's Fiction

Snidely Eyelash is a dastardly fellow who is about to rob the local gym, Effective Fitness. He's a paranoid character with a cockney accent. So paranoid, he keeps one eye open, always on the lookout, by having an eyelash tied to a brow hair and permanently provides him with an owl-like awareness. Snidely Eyelash and the Dogs of the Gym is a wild adventure where five dogs fresh off a doggie agility day at the gym, set out to stop Snidely's thievery. Their doggie moms and dads love the gym, so they must do everything in their puppy power to save the day.

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Discussion Questions: Stories from the Rolodex


Discussion Questions: Stories from the Rolodex is a guide for teachers, professors, homeschool parents, instructors of all types to help students learn about journalism and the techniques these unique individuals used to get to the truth of the history they were covering. The chapters will provide the instructor with questions about politics, historical events, racism, nature, war and peace, the work of being a journalist, and perseverance.

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My Name is GLORY


My name is Glory and I have a question for you. Do you know who I am?Do you know how I live in your life and live for you? You should.So, I won’t remind you of why there are 50 stars on a blue background and why there are seven red stripes and six white stripes. If you are unsure, explore and discover the answers for yourself. Learn about me.

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Adventures of the Friends
Saving Mousey

Children's Fiction

Enjoy the adventures of Super-Hero Bob, Kitty Little, Dusty Bunny,  Cool Shirt Sam and all the other friends in The Adventures of the Friends as they sneak out of their bedroom to save Mousey from Big Bud Bailey, the huge German Shepherd with the very snarly teeth.  


Will they get downstairs in time before Big Bud Bailey has a chance to eat Mousey?? We sure hope so but you will have to read the story to find out what happens.

Where to find Stories from the Rolodex and other works by Beverly

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